Are you on a quest to renovate your home?
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Renovate your kitchen

As the kitchen is a busy space in your home; seeing the same set-up, again and again, might exhaust you after some time. From simply changing its colour to opting for the latest design of tiles, your kitchen renovation ideas can be minor or major. Image Source -
Make your bathroom more appealing

For a bathroom renovation, you can begin by considering the replacement of fittings and fixtures. You can also upgrade the look by adding a stylish divider. Image Source -

At present, people have no choice but to spend time mostly indoors. Hence, adapting to this new norm, they have found new ways to make their home time more productive and interesting. Basement renovation is certainly on peak and used for various purposes. Image Source -
Garage or garden

People who don't have a basement at home are going with their garage or garden renovation. Pandemic has led to the renovation of such spaces at home for office work, kids' studies, and other activities. Image Source -