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28 Feb 2019

Use Old Wine Bottles To Liven Up Your Home Decor For Any Season

Use Old Wine Bottles To Liven Up Your Home Decor For Any Season

If you have lots of empty wine bottles sitting idle at home and you are ready to throw away, hold on! What if something you think is waste could be used as a beautiful home decoration pieces instead? Bringing your old wine bottles to the curb, you can turn into something unique and give a new life to your decor.  Know some creative ways to decorate your home with empty bottles for every season:

Make A Wine Bottle Flower Vases

You need a clean empty wine bottle to turn them into a beautiful centerpiece. All you have to pick coloured wine bottles and stick some freshly cut flowers through the neck. Your instant flower vases are ready! You can even paint your bottle and add glitter to the bottle to give it a more beautiful look.  Image Source:- i2.wp.com

Turn these empties into beautiful frames

You can use old wine bottles to keep your memories safe. Yes, forget photo frame and try this bottle frame. In an empty bottle, you just need to insert photos - along with pearls, shells, beads, sand or any other trinkets you want to use -- through the bottleneck. This unique frame is beautiful for displaying your priceless photos. Image Source:- diy.sndimg.com

Convert a Wine Bottle Into a Candlestick

Once you empty the bottle, you're all set for this creative DIY. All you need to transform your empty wine bottle into a beautiful candlestick. All you have to do is simply cut off the bottom part of the wine bottle and place a thin candlestick in its neck. Give this candlestick as a gift!  Image Source:- cdn.weddingbee.com

Make Your Own Wine Bottle Lights

If you have empty wine bottles with you and you love repurposing your old wine bottles, then you’ll love this DIY. You just need to drill a hole in the back of empty bottles and then use a string of lights through them. These lights are one of the gorgeous home décors and can give a beautiful touch to any space. Image Source:- cdn11.bigcommerce.com

Make A Wine Bottle Lamp

Looking for some vintage-inspired lighting idea? Grab your used wine bottles and drill a hole into the back of the bottle and insert the lamp nipple into cork then run the electrical cable through the hole. Connect the electrical cable to the lamp socket. It would be a fun experiment, isn’t it?  Image Source:- i.pinimg.com



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